O u r

Innova NanoJet Technologies'
G r o u n d b r e a k i n g

Innova NanoJet Technologies Ltd. at the forefront of innovation, develops and commercializes the breakthrough platform technologies in supersonic and ultra-fine nano-scale droplet sprays - the NanoJet Technologies. Our technologies are deeply rooted in the new developments and innovative applications of interdisciplinary sciences and engineering involving particulate aerodynamics, advanced fluid dynamics, advanced materials, sensor and digital control, and manufacturing. These have enabled the generating of a vast quantity of highly atomized supersonic and ultrafine nano-scale droplets with specific kinetic energy and momentum that can meet targeted applications such as air purification and disinfection. These abundant nanodroplets collide with and envelop suspended pollutants and viruses of different sizes from multiple sources in the air, forcing them to fall and therefore, rapidly removing them from the air, thus, resulting in quick and efficient air purification and disinfection elimination of pollutants, bacteria, and viruses. Theoretical and experimental evidence demonstrates that pollutants, bacteria, and viruses in the air can be effectively removed by our NanoJet products using only water without resorting to chemical or biological means. Our groundbreaking NanoJet platform technologies and innovative products create transformational changes and impacts on dozens of essential industries of the global economy, such as medical and healthcare, low-emission transportation (automobiles and ships), clean social infrastructures, agriculture and food, housing and commercial building, national security and public safety, among others.

Innova NanoJet

How does
C D a

Innova NonoJet Technology

E f f e c t s   o f
Relative Humidity on Virus Survival

The virus inactivation rate on surfaces and in the air is the fastest with 40%-60% relative humidity

Humidity-Dependent Decay of Viruses, but Not Bacteria, in Aerosols and Droplets Follows Disinfection Kinetics

Kaisen Lin and Linsey C. Marr

Environmental Science & Technology 2020 54 (2), 1024-1032

DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.9b04959

E f f e c t s   o f
using CDa on Airborne Viruses

*Removing 90.0% of viruses (Tested on MS-2 bacteriophage ATCC 15597-B1) in the air, in 20 minutes, with only 5 mins CDa Nanojet with water.

**Removing 82.2% for all particles above 0.3 micron and almost 99.9% for all particles larger than 3.0 micron in the air with only 2 mins water spray.

***Room defined as 4000 cubic feet.


P e r f o r m i n g
of CDa in increasing the Relative Humidity

CDa is very effective in increasing the relative humidity in the indoor environment targeting to reduce the virus viability